Comments on: #WednesdayWrite: Can You Be Creative? English 3764 @ Virginia Tech, Spring 2018 Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:26:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kimberly Mon, 19 Feb 2018 18:40:29 +0000 As I have been working on the Analysis assignment, I have noticed that the bulk of the information is necessary and useful but there are some things that I could add to my own personal table to benefit the purpose of this reference. This especially includes a column that indicates the time period in which the type of writing occurs (e.g. design, construction, or the entire project) and the appropriate response time for correspondence. Often times, correspondence is extremely time sensitive. If information is not disseminated in the correct way or time frame the project will suffer financially and in terms of schedule. Knowing the appropriate time in which these different types of communication are required and the response time would be of tremendous help when using this chart as a reference in the future.

By: tengrrl Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:45:27 +0000 More examples would (or at least could) show more diversity of solutions. The challenge is having students give permission and avoiding the situation where all the research is done for a career path. I know none of you would plagiarize by copying one of the examples, but they can box you in if you are pursuing the same job.

By: tengrrl Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:41:24 +0000 Good observation, Katya 🙂

By: Clement Boateng Sun, 18 Feb 2018 22:11:56 +0000 The android developer’s table design stood out very well because it catches the reader’s attention with the first look. The formatting looks great, and the figures in there makes it even better. The first look at the document gets the reader’s attention.
With creating the same type of document, students usually do that because they find that as a way of impressing the professor. When the professor puts an example up, everyone feels like that was what is expected so they have to do their work to look like that.

By: Cassie Bienert Sun, 18 Feb 2018 21:08:14 +0000 The use of logos on the android table definitely improves the tables aesthetics and I dont think it compromises the professionalism of the project. I also dont like the “link” hyperlink because its not all uniform in that column. However, the column header is “Examples” so it might be redundant to say examples in that too. I suggest putting the title of the website or the source instead. I think a unique column would be examples of “failures” and what to avoid. If you see how a writing can look unorganized and jumbled, its easy to avoid that.

By: Christian Arroz Sat, 17 Feb 2018 00:30:31 +0000 Even though all 3 analysis’ are in different fields, they have many of the same components. Aside from being all horizontal line tables, the headers all have the same elements to categorize information. I agree that students copy the example given the majority of the time, I think this is due to the fear of misunderstanding. If a teacher is using an example for an assignment, the student could easily believe it was the best presentation which could be why the teacher shows it in the first place. What helps me stay unique in assignments that allow broad interpretation, is to look at the formats of other projects that are similar and see if i can combine certain characteristics.

By: Jeremy C. Fri, 16 Feb 2018 18:42:57 +0000 This response may be a little off topic, however, I would like to note upon a possible solution for solving the issue of ‘cookie cutter’ projects. Creativity is simply the act of combining prior experiences to generate new ideas. A solution to promote creativity could be to expose students to a wider variety of examples. Having a diverse set of examples allows students to have more room in the content they pull from when crafting their project. Ideas can be combined from across the many different example to produce new unique ideas.

By: Faizal Zulkifli Fri, 16 Feb 2018 17:14:26 +0000 From my opinion, what I can see is that each of the examples given has its own pros and cons eventhough the Android Table stands out the most among them maybe because of its aesthetics and use of logos. However, it seems that the hyperlink given in the Example Test column on the right does not prepare the reader for what they are about to click as some of it only portray the word ‘Link’. Previous posts before have stressed out how important it is to make sure that the reader is not lost in reading our document so I would definitely make sure that in my assignment all the titles for the links be clear for the reader to understand. I also liked the other two examples (Packaging and Real Estate) in terms of not having too many columns because I think having too much information is never good so I would try to implement that in having an adequate number of columns with sufficient amount of data.

By: Katie Cox Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:26:26 +0000 I really liked the way that the Android post was done on one single page–I think it makes it so much easier to read. The symbols were also a great touch that the other two didn’t have. I think that for mine, I will definitely try to keep these two elements for my project. I also want to make the design of my project slightly different by using a color gradient for the cells. That way, each set of similar data will be in the same color, but it still distinguishes the different data types within shades of colors.

I think that a column discussing frequency could be something unique to add that wasn’t in any of these examples. I think it’s important to realize that certain writing items will be a daily occurrence (like emails), while technical progress reports will probably be a bit rarer.

By: Zack Silverman Thu, 15 Feb 2018 04:50:33 +0000 Two unique attributes that stood out to me included the use of categories by the Android developer and splitting the audience up into primary and secondary audiences by the packaging engineer. The former is useful when you have many columns, as it helps the project flow and stay organized, while the latter helps by considering how to weigh each audience’s needs in the creation of the writing. In terms of a new column, a “commonality” column might be helpful, just to say whether something is “highly common,” “rare,” or somewhere in between in the day to day life of someone in a specific field.
