Comments on: #InfographicInspiration: Research Steps English 3764 @ Virginia Tech, Spring 2018 Wed, 04 Apr 2018 03:42:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Casey Wed, 04 Apr 2018 03:42:38 +0000 Like many software engineering methodologies that have well-delineated linear steps and pretty graphics, I think the sort of research process described in this infographic is useful as a rhetorical and learning device but ultimately not realistic in practice. It’s more likely that every one of these steps is continuously considered and performed almost in parallel.

I generally write in order to work out an understanding about something and to figure out what I think about it; the writing itself is a process of discovery and I never know what I think about something, much less what I’m going to say, until I’ve written something and, as a result, reached a greater level of understanding and clarity of thought about it. But that writing doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it involves all of these steps.

There is certainly value in iteration and progression through a methodical process, but rarely can, for example, a problem even be well-defined until after you’ve done a significant amount of research in the first place. It’s more likely that you begin with some vague notion, and through some messy iteration of these steps, ultimately come to the real problem and your conclusions about that problem simultaneously.

By: Moqi Zhang Wed, 04 Apr 2018 03:35:03 +0000 This infographic is really clear and easy to understand, and I think this article gives me a simple structure of Genre Analysis Report. Before I read this article, I am really confused about how to write a Genre Analysis Report, and what should I write in this project. I think I can make a list of this infographic, and write down my information on it, which can help me to check.

By: Faizal Zulkifli Wed, 04 Apr 2018 00:26:49 +0000 I have a quite similar flow of working steps with the infographic in terms of starting with reviewing all the literature that I can use for my research topic. For example , as I will be doing a research on how to write a formal technical report so I would start with doing a quick online search of various readings that give out detailed information about this topic. Then, when it is time to interpret the results then I will need to compare those resources to compile a solid structure for the report contents.

By: Kimberly Williams Tue, 03 Apr 2018 02:09:30 +0000 Being a Building Construction major we are rarely assigned research papers, if ever. So, I don’t really have a process for putting together this type of assignment. I have a general idea of how I would go about gathering and analyzing information and subsequently putting it all together, but this infographic definitely gives me a better guideline to follow.

By: Kelvin Mon, 02 Apr 2018 02:28:28 +0000 Unlike the infographic, once I define the problem for my research, I immediately carry out research and try to find information that supports my claim. Unfortunately, I usually take ages to find information. This could be because I look in the wrong places, or it could be because I jump straight to the actual research part without much preparation. If I had to create a visualization of my research process, it would probably be just the two steps; “defining the problem”, “carrying out the research”, and “reporting the findings”. After reading this infographic, it is safe to say that I can approach a research paper more effectively.

By: Yibo Xu Mon, 02 Apr 2018 02:15:40 +0000 The processes showing on the infographic are very clear and formal which gives me a great path for my researches. Typically I do my research by first, make a hypothesis, then searching on the internet for many information about the research. But I always lose my way when I’m doing the research because the hypothesis is not very clear and I always be dispersed by looking random things online. This inforgraphic gives me a clear way to doing my research and it seems very decent. I will definitely try this progress when I’m doing my analysis project. The thing is sometimes it’s not easy to make every part clear, I might lose track as well by using it. But I will give it a try.

By: Thomas Ritter Sun, 01 Apr 2018 18:58:07 +0000 After looking at this infographic, it appears that I conduct my research very similar to the way it is displayed here. When I conduct research I always formulate a hypothesis and review literature before I start the main research. Then once I have gathered all my information I interpret my results and see how close they were to my original hypothesis. Then I repeat this process over and over. I think this picture is a very good model to follow when conducting research. By following all these steps anyone can turn into a research expert.

By: Daniel Ott Sun, 01 Apr 2018 17:43:29 +0000 This infographic is very formal and detailed, which will be very helpful when I use it as a basis for when I do my research for the genre analysis project. However, my typical research process is a lot less structured. I do not necessarily have a standard set of steps that I follow every time I do research. Typically, I simply start with my general question and begin developing a background about the topic. From there I will analyze the results of the research, and then formulate my thesis. Then I organize my research into similar subtopics, which become the basis for arguing my thesis. I think this infographic covers all the steps that I usually include in my infographic, and more. If I were to visually describe my research process it would probably look similar to the infographic, or a sort of branched system.

By: Khang Lieu Sat, 31 Mar 2018 01:44:39 +0000 The process in the infographic is similar to the research process I’ve used in the past, except I seldom use the “Select a Research Design” step. The short report proposal and the genre analysis project will be one of the first time I will use that step. I think it is an important step to have, as a research should be planned out before it is executed. In the past, I just start Googling the topic to find a starting point. Then, if I decide that an interview or survey would be helpful halfway through, I’d just add that part in. I am hoping that since I have all the areas of my research planned out in my proposal using all the steps above, the research process will be more smooth.

By: Cassie+Bienert Fri, 30 Mar 2018 22:11:56 +0000 Im not sure why I cant get the link to work, but it is on facebook!
